Меню KDT


«Оқуға құштар мектеп»

In order to implement the «Балалар кітапханасы» program and the «Оқуға құштар мектеп» project, the Republican Scientific and Pedagogical Library of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan offers a list of literature for events for students during school holidays from December 30, 2024 to January 8, 2025.

For grades 1-4:
My favorite fairy tales
Grandmother's tales
Wild swans
I'll tell you some fairy tales.
R.Kipling "Mowgli"

For grades 5-9:
T.Abdik "The War of minds"
M.Shakhanov Three levels of height
M.Zhumabaev "The Prophet"

For grades 10-11:
Saken Zhunusov "House in the steppe"
Nemat Kelimbetov "I don't want to lose hope"
Smagul Yelubai "Lonely Yurt"

If these works of art are not available in the library's collection, you can use additional literature.

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