Меню KDT

«Оқуға құштар мектеп»

Просмотров: 128
In order to implement the «Балалар кітапханасы» program and the «Оқуға құштар мектеп» project, the Republican Scientific and Pedagogical Library of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan offers a list of literature for events for students during school holidays from December 30, 2024 to January 8, 2025.
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New Year's Eve matinees for the primary level

Просмотров: 127
On December 25, New Year's matinees for the elementary level began at the lyceum. A traditional New Year's tale for the pre-school class and first-graders was prepared and shown by the 9th grade students. The kids were immersed in the fabulous transformations of the Snow Queen, who enchanted Kai and his heart turned to ice. Through a fairy tale, the high school actors told the children about kindness and
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"Give Hope"

Просмотров: 128
A good deed praises itself! Students, their parents, and teachers of the First Lyceum took an active part in the charity event "Give Hope", in which they collected feed, cereals, medical supplies, trays, dishes, blankets, and pillows. textiles, etc. for dogs and kittens in shelters for stray animals. 12/24. we were happy to provide
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"Methods of working with children prone to emotional distress."

Просмотров: 133
On January 18, 2024, the lyceum hosted a school-wide meeting on the topic "Methods of working with children prone to emotional distress." The meeting was attended by parents of grades 5-11. The meeting was opened by Oksana Nikolaevna Novikova, director of the lyceum, with an introductory speech and an update of the topic. Oksana Nikolaevna noted the statistics on the situation of autodestructive behavior of minors,
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"Zhana zhyl"

Просмотров: 138
As part of the Republican festival of children's songs in the Kazakh language "Anshuak", 3rd grade students performed the song "Zhana zhyl".
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"Kazakhstan is a single land, a single people, a single future"

Просмотров: 128
On December 13, 2024, the lyceum held class hours in all classes on the theme "The Blue Flag is a symbol of honesty. loyalty and perfection" and "Kazakhstan is a single land, a single people, a single future."
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