Меню KDT

«Біртұтас тәрбие»

Просмотров: 130
Within the framework of the  «Біртұтас тәрбие» program, 4-11 classes took part in the Challenge «Жетістігімді елемі арнаймын», dedicated to the day of Independence". #unit_education
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Meeting of ninth graders with a senior police lieutenant

Просмотров: 130
On December 10, 2024, the ninth graders visited with senior police lieutenant Aitzhan Bogenbai Nurtauly, an operative of the first department of the criminal police.The purpose of the meeting was to provide brief information about the measures taken by the police to ensure the safety of incompatible years, as well as their knowledge of the basics of life safety. The following issues were considered within the framework: psychological bullying, physical harassment, a combination of drug crimes, the
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Career guidance meetings with representatives of the North Kazakhstan Higher Medical College named after Zhumagali Tleulin.

Просмотров: 122
On December 10-11, 2024, career guidance meetings were held with representatives of the North Kazakhstan Higher Medical College named after Zhumagali Tleulin. The meeting took place with 9th and 11th grade students. The main purpose of the event was to present college learning opportunities, inform high school students about medical specialties, admission conditions, employment prospects, as well as involve students in interactive and practical tasks.
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Drug addiction

Просмотров: 122
Drug addiction is a serious threat that destroys health, destinies and the future. Teenagers are often at risk due to pressure from others and lack of support.
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"Developing the ability to self-observe, self-support and positive self-expression, self-confidence"

Просмотров: 94
On November 28, 2024, an interactive lesson was held on the topic: "Developing the ability to self-observe, self-support and positive self-expression, self-confidence" This lesson was conducted by psychologist Smailova Saule Yelikbayeva, the participants were lyceum students of the 9th grade. 
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"How to manage emotions?"

Просмотров: 87
On November 29, 2024, a lesson with training elements on the topic was held in the 6th grade: "How to manage emotions?". During the lesson, students got acquainted with the concept of "emotional self-regulation". The teacher-psychologist gave ideas about various methods of self-regulation, justified the importance of self-development of skills to overcome negative emotional states.
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