Меню KDT

"Do you like fairy tales, friends?"

Просмотров: 81
On November 19, a quiz game "Do you like fairy tales, friends?" was held in the 1st "In" class The quiz was dedicated to Russian folk tales. All participants were immersed in a fabulous atmosphere of magic and good mood during the event. The quiz involved a competition of teams, where participants were invited to show their
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"The Whole world for me"

Просмотров: 92
On November 18, within the framework of the decade "The Whole world for me", an informational and preventive meeting was held with senior lieutenant of the juvenile police Ramazanova A.N.. During the meeting, lectures were held with students of grades 2-9 on the topics: "Administrative and criminal liability", "Bullying", "Theft and extortion", "Alcohol consumption", "Responsibility for deviant behavior", "Being without legal representatives at night on the street, as well as in an entertainment and
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The line

Просмотров: 90
On November 15, a lineup dedicated to the National Currency Day and summing up the results of the XXXIV Lyceum Olympiad took place in grades 8-11. The leading lyceum students of the 9th grade - Anfisa Kovaleva and Kirill Savenkov - recalled the history of the creation of the Kazakhstani tenge currency. On November 12, 1993, the decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On the introduction of the national currency of the Republic of Kazakhstan" was issued. Which, by the way, allowed the
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"Own game".

Просмотров: 81
On November 14, on the eve of the celebration of the National Currency Day, at the parallel of the 4th grades, the teacher of digital literacy Kalinina N.V. held a "Own game". Three teams of 5 people from each class participated in the game. The guys showed knowledge of the history of the origin of the national currency-tenge, solved logical problems, showed erudition and ingenuity. The 1st place was taken by the
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"The Wonderful Journey of Nils with Wild Geese".

Просмотров: 79
During the autumn holidays, as part of the Reading School project, students of the 3rd grade read the fairy tale story by Selma Lagerlef "The Wonderful Journey of Nils with Wild Geese". While reading the book, the guys, as usual, kept a Reader's diary, where they described the characters, selected proverbs, made up questions, and drew illustrations. There is no limit to creativity. During the lesson, the children were happy to share their impressions with their classmates. According to the results of
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"The impact of family conflicts on the emotional state of a child."

Просмотров: 90
On November 14, 2024, the First IT Lyceum hosted a parent-teacher meeting on the topic "The impact of family conflicts on the emotional state of a child." The main speaker was Irina Ivanovna Yakimova, a specialist psychologist at the Mental Health Center. During the meeting, the parents discussed with Irina Ivanovna important topics of child development in a family environment, the reasons for distrust of their parents, and the peculiarities of adolescence.
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