Меню KDT


Просмотров: 81
On November 15, a class hour dedicated to the National Currency Day was held in class 1A. The guys got acquainted with banknotes, banknotes of different denominations. The hour of communication was interesting and informative. Great conductor: Tatyana Viktorovna Yakushina.
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"Do we understand each other?"

Просмотров: 77
On November 14, 2024, a psychological lesson "Do we understand each other?" was held in the 5th grade. As part of the lesson, the lyceum students analyzed the importance of mutual understanding in the classroom, performed exercises aimed at developing the ability to hear and support each other. The lesson was prepared and conducted by the teacher psychologist M.A. Ponomareva.
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The memo

Просмотров: 137
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"The Secret of Koshchei"

Просмотров: 102
On November 15, artists of the N. Pogodin Drama Theater came to the lyceum and showed the younger lyceum students an interesting musical fairy tale "The Secret of Koshchei" based on Russian folk tales.
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A career guidance meeting for 11th grade students with representatives of the North Kazakhstan University named after M. Kozybayev.

Просмотров: 93
On November 14, our lyceum hosted a career guidance meeting for 11th grade students with representatives of the North Kazakhstan University named after M. Kozybayev. There were teachers of the departments "Geography and Ecology", "Biology", "Mathematics and Physics" and "Chemistry and Chemical Technologies". Our guests talked about the possibilities of obtaining higher education at SKU, about the conditions of admission, as well as the prospects that open up to graduates of the university.
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Meeting of graduates with a police officer

Просмотров: 109
On November 8, 2024, a meeting of graduates with police officer Bakhtiyar Sadvakasov took place.  The topic concerned career guidance, and information was provided on how to become a police officer. The representative shared where you can get a police education, what conditions are needed for this, and answered all the questions of the guys.
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