The line
On November 15, a lineup dedicated to the National Currency Day and summing up the results of the XXXIV Lyceum Olympiad took place in grades 8-11. The leading lyceum students of the 9th grade - Anfisa Kovaleva and Kirill Savenkov - recalled the history of the creation of the Kazakhstani tenge currency. On November 12, 1993, the decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On the introduction of the national currency of the Republic of Kazakhstan" was issued. Which, by the way, allowed the state to also begin the formation of a full-fledged banking sector.On November 15, 1993, tenge entered circulation. Since then, this day has been considered the official Day of the national currency. Today, the tenge is the economic basis of independence, a symbol of sovereignty, and a full-fledged part of the modern history and future of Kazakhstan.On this significant day, the winners and prize-winners of the first stage of the Republican Subject Olympiad were honored on the line. On November 9, the lyceum hosted the first round of the Republican Olympiad in general education subjects. 183 lyceum students took part in the Lyceum Olympiad, 83 of them won prizes. The lyceum students who showed the best result will defend the honor of the lyceum at the second stage of the republican subject Olympiad.
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